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Public Policy Committee

Welcome to the GACAR Public Policy Committee page! The Public Policy Committee monitors local issues that impact or could impact the real estate industry and private property rights. The committee actively engages in these matters, providing informed recommendations to the GACAR Board of Directors. Additionally, it keeps members informed about key local, state, and national issues while fostering strong relationships with elected officials.

📝 Log your Public Policy Committee activities: Submit Here

💻 Join our next meeting via Zoom: Click to Join
Meetings are on the 2nd Thursday every month from 9:00-10:30am

9-Jan, 13-Feb, 13-Mar, 10-Apr, 8-May, 12-Jun, 10-Jul, 14-Aug, 11-Sep, 9-Oct, 13-Nov, 11-Dec

  • Honoring Matt. Matt was our dedicated public policy liaison with GACAR.
    • Memorial Donation in Loving Memory of Matthew Umanos. In honor of Matt's life and his passion for helping others, we invite you to make a memorial donation to one of the charities he deeply cared about:
    • GACAR Giving Circle
      Visit Matt’s dedicated donation page here:
    • Humane Society of North Central Florida
      Donate here:
      When donating, please enter "Matt Umanos" in the "Tribute Name" box to link your gift to his memory.
    • Your generosity will help carry forward the causes Matt was so passionate about. Thank you for honoring his memory in this meaningful way.


  • Any Specific events at local municipalities that would be important for realtors?


  • Needs:
    • Key contacts for local municipalities: If you know any of our local officials in the outlying areas such as Arhcer, Alachua, High Springs, Newberry or Hawthorne. We would love to make a connection with them.   Please contact Mark Robinson at


Check the Public Policy Committee page throughout the year to stay informed.

Report an issue related to Public Policy here.